Gen. James N. Mattis of the
Marine Corps, is the commander of the U.S. Joint Forces Command located in
Norfolk, Va. He was quoted in a recent New York Times article as stating the
following gem: “PowerPoint makes us stupid.”
I don’t know whether to salute,
applaud or just cheer.
Think about this: Across the
globe, people are subjected to thousands upon thousands of Powerpoint
presentations daily. Leaders of all experiences stand in front of a group (actually,
they usually stand to one side, out of sight) and rattle through slide after
slide after slide of numbing ... what? Stuff? Information?
Yet here’s a man who’s
accustomed to leading knows the difference between delivering information and
actually leading. He’s not only charged with running an organization but with
inspiring troops and, ultimately securing objectives. And he’s no fan of
PowerPoint, the ubiquitous tool of every business professional and wanna-be.
Turns out there are a lot in the
military who aren’t fans of PowerPoint.
“It’s dangerous because it can
create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control,” said Brig.
Gen. H. R. McMaster said in a telephone interview afterward. “Some problems in
the world are not bullet-izable.”
The article goes on to say that
many commanders believe PowerPoint “stifles discussion, critical thinking and
thoughtful decision-making.”
PowerPoint does have a place in
the world of speechcraft. It’s great at delivering information and helps in
creating understanding, the two most basic of communication goals. But it’s
lousy at everything else like reinforcing values, changing attitudes or
eliciting action. In other words, it’s lousy at doing things leaders are called
on to do most, the areas where they can add the most value.
Edward R. Murrow, the legendary
radio correspondent, once said that the fastest computer can only compound – at
speed – the oldest of dilemmas between people. “In the end,” he said, “the
communicator will be confronted with the old problem of what to say and how to
say it.”
And PowerPoint just can’t help